
21 August 2013

Playing Cards

Stephanie Ackerman recently came to Oklahoma City to teach a couple of classes at My Heart's Fancy. I enrolled in both because she's great and I love to support people who come here. We get a lot of really great classes going here didja know?
Alisa came into town from the Dallas area. Here is She and Stephanie.
We made mixed media collage on playing cards
using lots of products I had not used and now own.
I promptly used my products and new techniques to bust out this journal.
I love this. Love. This. Thank you Stephanie.

12 August 2013

G turned 3

Since I am the Mabin and Greyson turned three, I made a quilt for him...
This is my fifth flannel rag quilt to make. This is my own pattern. All have been gifts.
We had a rare opportunity to host the party for this little Texan here in Oklahoma.
Snacks and snakes.
And a cake for this beautiful boy.
To G from me...

06 August 2013

Dude. Lee.

After having enjoyed Dawn DeVries at Handmade U in Spring 2012,
I enrolled in her online Doodle Camp.
Over a one week period we made a little journal and started coloring, basically.
There is something about Dawn's prompts that feel like permission
rather than assignments to me.
I have done this mix of amorphous color with the fine control of the black ink.
I was quite low through July and my work reflects it, not in content but in scale.
Small. Tedious. For that is often all I can handle.
I am obsessed with getting doodly.