
08 March 2009

Holly Doodle Day

I only discovered blogs recently. I mean, I knew about them, I just decided to never start that up. Then I found Rebecca Sowers blog ( I would link to if I knew how to do that. Anyway I ended up on her Flickr pictures and even with the drooling was able to get the keyboard to work as I followed an interesting avatar over to Holly Abston's photostream and blog ( I actually found her to be in Oklahoma and found she was teaching a class near my home. Well, clearly God was saying "Blog, Darling...."

So I enrolled in this class to make a Holly Crown, not made of holly, well, really made of Holly. Oh you get the picture. I arrived in class all decked out in clothing to match her blog and feeling a bit star struck, blog struck? Look at his sweet kit she had awaiting us!

Gently removing the seam binding as though undressing a lover but better because the experience lasts longer and there is no walk of shame later....the interior reveals....

This is better than birthday cake. The ladies laughed and were even a bit irreverent. Oh luscious spring day with Holly. I don't just heart her, I brain her as well, which is a big deal as it is arguably an equally important organ...


  1. You are so funny, Robin. And seriously, your outfit was so gorgeous that I was distracted by your beauty the whole time! You are SO much fun. I mean, like wet your pants from laughing too hard fun. I had such a great time. Thank you for not posting the picture of me and you here. Next to the sweet, little, demure, beautiful you I look a bit like Java the Hut or perhaps the Jolly green (with envy?) giant. Your crown is GORGEOUS and I actually like yours better than mine with the way you did your crystals contrasting. Tiny detail but made a big difference. xo Holly

  2. I love your finished product! I'll have to check out these other blogs.


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