
03 August 2009

It was Once July

My dear friend Brook gave me this spontaneously during book club last week. She saw it, thought of me and got it for me. It just made me cry. For someone to just know you like that is the connection I long for when I am low. Thank you dearest Brook.

Friendship is vital to me. I bought a gift for a friend last week. I just don't know what it is yet. I love these two necklaces from Tammy Gilley . I intended one for me and one for my friend but I simply cannot choose which to give and which to keep...That is a high class problem, huh?

I have been buying lots of necklaces lately and decided to display them on this bust form. She greets me of a morning in my bathroom. I bought her recently. Probably need to quit dragging things home but this is my new girlfriend and she is fabulous.

Here are some other finds less pretty but beautiful and interesting to me. I love both the high and a low in a room. It reflects me and all that implies.

I find my friends to be more essential than almost any other thing. Well, that and all the stuff...


  1. I love your dress form. It's so fun. I really want to get one for just this purpose.

  2. Robin, you are such a lovely soul. I love your heart.

  3. Your friends find you essential, too! Mwah!

  4. This is a really sweet post! I agree that friends are so important. I love the little birdie that your friend gave you. And I can understand your dilemma with the necklaces, they're both so cute!

  5. I can tell that you are a very thoughtful friend.
    The little nest that your friend gave to you is so charming.
    You have picked out several gifts that anyone would love.


  6. Maybe your friend is willing to share, she's a beauty!


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?