
28 March 2010

Not the First One

This is not my first post about Kim. The first time was in the Year Book during our high school junior year.

Miss Kim was our high school twirler. I was in drill deam with our marching band. Kim would don a sparkly uniform and deliver a spinning, throwing, often flaming, routine at center stage of our performances. Everything halted while Kim did her thing. I was part of a corps, but she was the star, superstar. She was otherwise quite quiet and proper, so to see her in go-go boots and {sexy} shimmering costume was intriguing to me.

She otherwise did not let her little light shine. Kim held titles for twirling in our state. I cannot imagine the silvery nads it took for her to dance and catch that spinning metal baton. It took skill to choreograph those routines, then to perform in front of crowds and judges....well, it prepared her pretty well for her carreer in law. Yes my Kimberlee is an esquire and a twirler. Know any of those? Well, there can't be many.

I was so impressed with her and at the same time frustrated with how quiet she was about her successes in dance. So I fixed that. I photographed her in costume and wrote up an article about her achievements. It made a half page spread in our junior yearbook.

Kim can forget how special and shiny she is, I think. We all forget get don't we? I whipped up a collage using that low tech image straight out off the yearbook page.  Adding the word "sparkle" to describe her, her style, the twinkle in her eye. A crown of course.

Look, a wee robin is perched on her baton. Looking up to her...

Kim, I thought I would beg forgiveness rather than ask for permission to post again about you.

Forgive me?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What hot mama!

    Oh, if she does not forgive you, I will delete her feed from my blog roll...

  3. What a great story of friendship and admiration. Just how long have yall been friends?? Love the li'l Robin admiring her...

    Did yall have fun down there in Texas?

  4. Love the little Robin too. Thoughtful as always!!!

  5. She still is a Sparkle Girl! Love it, love it!

  6. Forgive you for what? For saying sweet things about me? Or for getting me kicked out of the Secret Society of Sparkly Twirling Goddesses of Law? (They are such bitches about the "secret" part!) Love you!

  7. Friends and compliments go hand in hand!!!!!!!!!!

  8. The robin is the perfect little touch.

  9. Oh, this gives me such a good idea for a post. Perhaps some little birdie nostalgia from the newspaper days with all the rest of us looking up to you!

    I love your tribute to our twirling Goddess of Law. I hope when she's having a bad day, covered up in laundry and law suits, she will remember that one word...sparkle.

  10. OMG High school for me was sooo long ago a forgot about twirlers!!! Fun post .

  11. Robin I love this post. What a friend you would have been in HS. I had a friend so similar. I wonder if she ever knew how really awesome she was? You always, always make me smile!

  12. Anyone who sparkles like that sounds like a cool chick to me. This was just an all-around fun post. ♥

  13. robin,
    you make me smile.....................franc


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?