
18 April 2010

Bits of Bliss

I slept eight hours last night. I took time not to work first thing but to drink coffee and read while it rains on this spring morning.

It feels luxurious. Decadent.

I freaking deserve it.

I have worked my ass off to accomplish what I have in the last four months of my mother being here. Work and planning and care-giving and emptying and moving and raging and healing and understanding and confusion and revelation and resolution.

Depression. Anger. Anxiety. Joy.

Lunch with my girls, Penny and my daughter, yesterday. A night's sleep last night. A moment free of anxiety. Is it so much to ask? I am so grateful for it.

But you caught me at a rare moment of bliss. SO don't think I have stopped needing the support. I told my Leaders of the Free World (clearly, more on that later), aka my HSGs (High School Girls) that while it is difficult to continue to support me in this chronic state of suspensed care-giving, grief and pain, it is the sheer protraction of it that makes me require attention and support all the more. Difficult for me to ask. Yet I desparately need it. I need to be checked on.

My dear reader, if you feel so inclined to show a little love, support, especially a bit of humor, friend me on Facebook or use my email if you know it and do just that. A little note each day from someone who remembers me is manna for my hungry soul. I thank you in advance. Attention and care is the most blessed gift to give. Like this rainy day, I welcome the shower.


  1. Happy to hear that you found a little Bliss and Rest.
    So very important for a caretaker...
    And lunch with you dear daughter and Penny.
    Your photos are just lovely.
    That headboard..sigh...
    I love my bed and my room and books is my sanctuary.
    Take care sweet bird.

  2. Oh, I love sleep. I used to be able to sleep in. What is that? Can you explain it to a toddler? NO.

    I'm thinking of you! Hope you're having a nice lazy rainy sunday. You're kicking a$$!!!!

  3. Robin I am definitely thinking of you and will come over when I can and make you laugh once in awhile. I have missed some great posts here on my break from the computer, but boy, did I ever need to get away. I am glad to be back however. It will be a bit spotty, but I am trying to get back to it again. Please take care of yourself and I hope you get more nights of rest and a lot of days of bliss.

  4. That bed looks so cozy and inviting!! I hope you get much needed rest tonight my dear friend!!! You are amazing!!!

  5. Robin,
    I must find you and friend you. I have not been through THIS particular situation, but I have been through long,protracted times of anxiety and grief and would be so happy to send you a note or two.

    My heart really goes out to you...


  6. This rain does make one want to sleep! I love your looks just like mine but in a different color! Keep your chin up girl. Brighter days are ahead, I promise.

  7. Robin-

    Just picked up my truly awesome scarf at PC! It is the bomb! Can't tell you how much I love it. Just read your post about sleep. Is that your great bed in the pic? Because if it is, we are sleep sisters. I have the same freakin bed!! Thanks again.


  8. I mean it, Robin, but you have been trumped by another Rpbin Thomas on Facebook.

    Here is my email if you want to connect...


  9. Sleep in peace my friend and know that you are loved.

  10. I'm back to remind you to bring your toothbrush!!! And your own chocolate!

  11. You definitely deserve lots of bliss, enjoy it when it comes your way.

  12. Isn't it so interesting that we as women are the nuturers, are the comforters, are often the glue that our families cling too & yet we are usually the last ones to ask for help, for support or for comfort. Yeah... for having a voice to say, now it's my turn please! Bravo & the blessing in that that we have people who love us in our lives to ask that from.
    Smiles Friend,

  13. Yes you do deserve it girlfriend!!!

  14. Hold on to all of the moments of bliss that you can. Everyone is right... you deserve it!


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?