
12 August 2010

Gilded Day The Second

Jemellia and I attended The Gilded Nest event. First day was the bus trip to Canton for the monster flea.

Then we arrive at the church for our class with Colleen Moody of prim doll fame.

The table was set for 30.
Thur. Dee.
They take that whole 'bigger'n Dallas' thing seriously..
They spoiled us rotten. Our families are forever angry with Shea and Debbie...

We each had a Gilded Life bag of really good stuff. I have peaked at it all, but true to form, I have not opened everything yet. I will use it as a lovely distraction on a bad day. Which I will and won't look forward to...

The place setting from Colleen...

Then Colleen gave us the bird.


Then the costuming. And a gilded crown.

Oh shit. That is not my crown.

That belongs to Charlotte.

Whom I love. Well, until I met her doll.

My bird scrubs her bird's floors.

And is thrilled for the work.

Fortunately...we were fed gloriously all day then had an intimate vendor night.

Colleen's dolls.

Colleen is a doll.

Shea and Debbie's table.

And throne...

Such a good day.
Really, Charlotte?

The next day, Shea wrapped us in wire and made us eat cupcakes.


  1. Hi, Robin! So glad I found your blog this morning--I'm practically laughing out loud as I read your commentary in this post--hilarious! Sounds like a fabulous event! I think your bird is beautiful!

    I'll be following along & come to visit often--hope you have a wonderful day!


  2. OMG! Your bird cleaning Charlottes birds floors. I TOTALLY just wet my pants at work cracking up.
    I love you.
    and I love how you write.

  3. You crack me up....Just got done visiting Suz and saw the beautiful soldered necklaces you have made....Lovely!

  4. You are so funny, Robin. Your work is just as wonderful...always!

  5. This is all tooo funny!

  6. I'll agree that Charlotte's was probably Queen of the Flock, but I can't imagine yours scrubbing Charlotte's floors or pantaloons.
    I love the simple, little details on your bird!

  7. Robin, thank you for sharing your wonderful GILDED Weekend! This is the first one I have missed this year & I was sooooooooooooo bummed. But, I had just returned from Kim's Event Les Sirenes in California less that 2 weeks prior to this one PLUS my hubby had to have a heart cath & EET (tests for his up coming open heart surgery) so, I wasn't able to join all of you. :( But, reading your posts made me feel better. And I DO love me some Charlotte. She is amamzing. Charlene

  8. I am loving that picture of you and Charlotte so much, you are displaying such warmth. Hands down, one of my favorite pics of you, maybe favorite.


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