
29 November 2010

Husband Make Fire

Ahhhhhhh. A drama-free Thanksgiving was had. Mother actually came to eat with us. That is roughly equivalent to a lunar landing. No addicts in the house. So nice. They take up too much space. My daughter left to spend the remainder of the weekend with her paternal grandparents and husband and I went to a cabin in the woods.

Husband likes to burn things. Doesn't he, Spencer?

We took a hike up to this water tower.

It stands watch over a sleepy lake view.

The leaves were devoid of color and yet I found them beautiful.

My constant desire to capture the reflection of the sun. You could feel the heat reflected off the water through the brisk air.

I am always impressed and haunted by these trees that die, then continue to stand year after year, through seasons and winds, storms and intense sunshine. A testimony of strength.

The sand washed out this tree. It will be years and years until it degrades. When the water comes up and covers it, it becomes petrified. Trees are decades and decades old underneath the water.

They just last and last...

Couple of very lonely horses up the mountain.

They cling to each other.

Like we do. Like we must.


  1. Each of these photos could be made into a postcard for Oklahoma. And I would buy them at travel stops, because they'd be far more beautiful than the other souvenirs.

    I'm glad your Thanksgiving was wonderful! And I hope the trend continues throughout the rest of the season.

  2. What a peaceful getaway.
    So glad your Thanksgiving was nice!

  3. It relaxes me...reading this...thank y0u...I needed relaxing! ;)

  4. Your getaway sounds lovely, Robin...I'm glad you had a nice drama-free Thanksgiving!

  5. Lovely really captured the beauty and peace. So nice to have a Holiday without the addicts/drama. Thankful that yours was both.

    Glad your Mom was up to attending too.
    Hope all is well with her.
    May your Blessings continue.

  6. These are wonderful photos. My favorite is the tree on the sand. It all sounds relaxing.

  7. Lord help me I want to paint just about every one of these photos.

  8. I get tired of looking at other people's pics sometimes but these were so evocative of the place and calm that I really enjoyed them. My husband and I, after Turkey Day and Christmas family drama vow to spend next x-maswith kids in a house in a secluded area of Hawaii and let everyone duke it out without us, we'll see.

  9. Tienes un blog estupendo, me encanta tu quilt de estrellas, es precioso


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