
11 November 2010

On the Road, Worries Packed

Right now I am in my full prep of fret and excitement for another trip. I have gone to more things just for myself this year than in the decade prior, two decades even. I am returning to Omaha this week to attend Silver Bella art retreat for my second time. Last year, I didn't even know what I was getting myself into. I have to return for several reasons.

One, I like to get things right. I want to be more rested and aware of my limitations and pleasures this time around. I was into my odyssey of the unknown in the care and keeping of Betty Jean last year. I just wasn't sleeping. My shoulders were up around my ears in stiff anxiety about my mother living alone while I was gone. That issue is resolved now. I am sleeping better these days. I am gritting my body and my teeth less.  Less.

Two, I enjoyed the fabulousness of Silver Bella. It is art classes for all these creative souls who need to be understood and have love to give. I want to revel in their company again with all my outfits and accessories, accouterments and pretties. I want to see what they have and show them what I've got.

Three, I had a spectacular vendor show last time. I had chills and tears as this discerning crowd lined up to buy my knits. I have been creating with them in mind and am very proud of my goods, anxious to see what they think. Maybe the new is off and I will have a modest show. Maybe they will be ready to buy again. We will see. I knit to stay off mood altering medications so it's all good. I'm showing off some of my creations here today. I do not use my blog to do that often as I do not want you coming here with me always trying to sell you something. This blog is for me and I hope it connects to you.  I do love to make these things, and take their picture. I actually admire the photos of my knits every bit as much as I enjoy knitting them. So, of course I am including pictures here.

I worry that I will not sleep. I worry that I will not get my restorative time alone. But I cast fears aside and go. Go into a Tasmanian dance of pretty, shiny distractions with Jemellia, my dear little friend.

My worries are packed. But I don't think I'll bring 'em.
Wish me sleep.
That's all I'll really need because much good stuff awaits in this 5 days of Me.


  1. Have a great trip, Babe! Maybe next year I can join you. I'd love to go to those classes all day. I'd love to work a booth with you! I just love you, okay! And I love all your pieces (coveting the red/black/grey)!! Thanks for sharing and tell BJ hi for me.

  2. So nice to take time away to recharge, enjoy fellowship with friends, and create to your heart's content. Your knitwork is beautiful. Blogging about it does not mean you are selling. Very inspiring to see what others are crafting. HAve a great time. Best wishes, Tammy

  3. Sweet dreams, dear heart! Wishing you great success and a wonderful time, and envying you a wee bit. Love you!

  4. Wow Robin! These new knits are absolutely gorgeous! I don't know which ones I like best, I LOVE them ALL! Good luck & have a blast at Silver Bella, I am sure you will sell out!

    BTW, your new signage is AMAZING!

  5. I am so glad you included photos of your recent creations, because they are absolutely, flat-out GORGEOUS! I can't think of a crowd that wouldn't love these dreamy works of art. I wish I could tell you how much I admire your talent. And as for the trip, you are going to have a fabulous time, and I can't wait to hear about it when you get back!

  6. Oh, will you just toss one of those knitted pieces out the car window when you get to the sapulpa exit on the turnpike? Any one will do. Thanks ;)

    I hope you gals have a great trip! It sounds like so much fun! I know you will come away from it so inspired and have a great time! Safe trip!!

  7. You go girl! Rock that place with your knock out personality. They will love YOU...they will love YOUR KNITS because each piece has a little bit of my sweet tweet! I'm so happy this year will be more relaxed for you. Rock beautiful lady....Love you!!! Pink Nannie

  8. Love this post. I hope you had fun! Perhaps next year I could come too? :)

  9. Silver Bella sounds like quite an adventure!
    You have created some lovely pieces...and are definitely a Lady with many talents dear Robin

  10. Well... HOW WAS IT???? I need to see photos of Silver Bella. I've never been & so wanted to go this year. MAYBE next year! And was vendor night good? Did they love the treasures? HUGS!


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?