
27 February 2011

Betty's Story Book

When I am down, when I am tired, when I am relaxed, or when I am happy I create. It's a lovely thing to do with my time and my feelings. A healing.

My mother made it to her 85th birthday. She and I are so shocked. She continues with pain and poor health but she continues. When our mothers turned 75, my husband and I had parties to celebrate. The new rule is you get a party when you turn 85. I turned my blues into creating for B.J.'s 85th.

I had everyone sign a photo mat for Mother's 75th seen above. We did this at our wedding also. It's really nice to see those signatures on display, so many little ones grown, people gone, people loyal. For my daughter's 16th I made a journal for everyone to sign and later added pictures and cards from the event. It turned out to be one the best things I have ever made.

I repeat anything good, or bad actually, but here is mother's Story Book for 85...

It went together very easily. Sometimes that actually happens. Sweet...

The front door announced the birthday girl... kind of porn...

And some old fashioned petit fours...

So much family came to celebrate. I had not realized just how much I needed to see them. I needed my family and it felt so good to have their embraces. There is something truly remarkable about some who knows your history before you were born holding you.


  1. Robin you are so sweet to honor your mother's 85th birthday! You are an unbelievable daughter to take on what you have and so giving to your family. I know they all feel so lucky to have you and appreciate your talents and love.
    Thanks for sharing your celebration.

  2. Ah, so many petit fours, so little time. Your healing is beautiful!

  3. Robin,
    That is wonderful! You are such a kind daughter (and person). I love the door decorations. Don't tell me you did the petit fours or I will be very intimidated!
    Your scrapbook is lovely Robinesque (as differentiated from Rubenesque).
    Beautiful post, honey!

  4. What beautiful creations you always make! I love the initials on the front door too - what a wonderful idea!

  5. I've recently found your blog and wanted to say how wonderful it is that you have your Mother with you to celebrate her 85th and that you did it in such a loving way! I lost my Mom when she was 65 and how glorious it would be to celebrate another birthday with her. I love the book you made for her and your front door greeting is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing such a lovely post. It brightened my day!

  6. I am so happy for your mother. She must have such strength and will to keep going. Looks like you had a wonderful day planned for her. That scrapbook is amazing. Your work is always beautiful! :)

  7. Said it once, will say it a thousand times, You are AMAZING!! Beautiful gathering, immaculate planning! What fantastic attention to details. That's my sista. One of us had to have the talent!

  8. Happy Happy Birthday to your mother. Is that your front door, it's gorgeous and the petit fours, noe I am scrounging around trying to find something sweet.

  9. What a lovely post, Robin! Such a loving really are a very talented, creative woman...inspires me to put more of myself into what I do! XO

  10. oH RoBiN...
    what a beautiful party for your mom, and, i am so happy for you that YoU enjoyed it too. i can see that everything you did was deliberately done with love. the book you made is pretty WoW as well as the "bj" on your front door. so fun to get together fri. nite.
    love u, franc

  11. Such a treasured memory you have created. Truly cherished it will be. Your door celebrations and petit fours are perfect.

  12. Family is great like that. I forced myself to drive down to my hometown last weekend and "make the rounds", as I call it. I'll be honest, I was trying to talk myself out of going because the lazy side of me wanted to stay home and lounge around with my sweetie. But once I got mobilized, I realized that visiting with my loved ones was exactly what I needed. I'm glad to hear that the party was a hit. Happy Birthday to your mother, and how lucky she is to have a daughter like you.

    I lol'd at this: "I repeat anything good, or bad actually..." I like your style. ;-)

  13. Your creations are brilliant Robin! Your mom must have been thrilled about the party decor!! What a lovely way to celebrate!!
    I can't create when I am troubled so I haven't done anything for months!! Thank God for work cuz it's the only reason I get up and get dressed. My hubby has moved to Colorado so I only see him every few weeks and my eldest is lost to me right now. Thank Gos for my family and friends. Being with them makes me feel safe.

  14. What an amazing album you created for your mother! 85 years old...she must have so many experiences and memories...that is so wonderful that you had a party for her...such a special occasion. Hold her tight, as I know you do.

  15. You know how to do it up right Robin! Anybody who serves petit fours at their mother's 85th is my best friend. I love 'em. They way you have everything set up is a lovely sight. The book must have been a joy to your mom. You know I love your art, but what I love about it is that I can tell it is straight from your heart, and not a carbon copy of everybody else's.

    I loved your big ol' shopper too. Gorgeous!
    sending hugs from here...

  16. Petit Fours... Heaven on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got me at Petit Fours but, everything else is stunning! I love your books. I wish I would make myself sit down & create more. Thank you for the kind words on my pillow for the Pocket Swap. The event is getting closer & I am getting excited. Your last purse is adorable. Are you using them? Or just looking at how pretty they are? HUGS!

  17. Babe, I hope you are there to plan my 85th! That is exactly what I want. Too beautiful for words. Your mom is a lucky lady. Your love shows in all the things you made. You need to write a book on party planning. You are the Master.

    I've been thinking about you every day lately for some reason. I've picked up the phone twice in the last week-once was too late, the other was in the car and I swerved in heavy traffic so I didn't do that. I'm gonna call in the next week. Just need to hear one of my most favorite sounds. Much, much love to you and Betty Jean!

  18. hi robin...i love your ideas for your mother's birthday....i found you on the bravegirls/soul restoration site...where melody commented on your comment.. : ) saying she was going to frame it and put it on her desk... "dang it"...anyway...i like your blog...and i didn't know people in oklahoma worked on restoring their souls...ha ha! i have wanted to go to the creative connection/where women create big dealio before...looks like fun...i'll poke around on here...many blessings...


  19. Your mom is from Ft Smith? Mine is too, that is where I was born. My mom is 80 but maybe they knew each other's family? How cool! Love the celebration you put together!! I hope your class goes really well. Wish I lived closer. You put a special touch to all you do so I am sure it will be fab & fun. Love Rebecca too...


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