
08 February 2011

Four Little Ladies

And now for Colette Copeland. This was my last Silver Bella project to finish. I have mentioned many times that I did not finish one project during the event. Look, I am a college Zoology professor. We have labs. I have taken lots of labs. You get busy, put your head down and finish the project in lab. This makes sense to me.  It seems to not wotk that way with art projects and thus my Incomplete Projects List has grown until I feel I cannot enroll in anything else. It adds buzz to the bee hive that is my brain. Completing a project is so satisfying as is marking all of Silver Bella off my list.

Colette Copeland is the sweetest most precious thing. I wish I had been more aware of her during class but the rush to work and listen and complain was all too much. Her A Bird in the Hand posts are just little sweet kisses. This project is three wee dresses hanging on a line. I used a picture of my mother circa 1933, me, very 70s and my little sweetie in the 90s. Mother was embellished with lace, a treasured button and these little celluloid bangles from the Tinsel Trading booth at Creative Connection.

On my picture I opened the beloved Mrs. Bird bottle for the first time and used some buttons from Miss Colette to surround my picture. I thought that was so appropriate. I love this bowhead picture of myself in the yard.

My little girlie in front of her white and yellow playhouse. I hand stitched a fresh green vine encircling her. Boy how I try to be that vine to enclose, but not encase her. She is a teenager and will leave for college in under two years. I can't take my eyes off of little girls right now. I find such sweet sadness so often these days.

I put my dresses on a linen background and made tabs for hanging. And then I thought it would be great to have some kind of commercial drapery hanger for it. Went to eBay and found one. Look how perfectly it fits. I love this about being alive right now.

Three little girls at the start of different lives with profound impact on each other. I really love all the symbolism here.

The Colette pages in my Junque Journal...

Capturing Colette...

Little Colette Copeland is so sweet and my Project Runway quilt channels her spirit.


  1. It appears that you are certainly making up for lost time. Love what you have created.


  2. Mmm, mmm, mmm! I love little CoCo, this makes me want to get mine finished now. I love the passage about the vines and your daughter. This post has made my heart like the last picture, soft, velvety, and crushy.

  3. Your little dresses are adorable Robin! Great idea for hanging them to display too :)


  4. Wow! I know what you mean about that sweet LITTLE soul........she captures everything in an entirely different way and would be proud of your sweet project runway! Love it.

  5. You have not only completed a creative task, you have created an heirloom for generations to come. The love and thought you have put into this piece is testament to your love for your mother, yourself and your daughter. Very special piece. Happy February Hearts to you...

  6. Wow! This is so sweet and elegant! Love all the details in the dresses, the photos and the copper hanger. Such a beautiful piece!

  7. Robin,
    Absolutely great job. I love the ruffled bottoms tying them all together. Love how you mounted them and put them on that bee-you-tee-ful hanger! I thought your description of Colette's blog was precious! It fit exactly.
    Love you, lady!

  8. What a NEAT concept! It really hits home too, because I can't take my eyes off of little girls either lately. I try to tell my stupid body to shut up, that I'm not ready yet. But it's being really stubborn right now. Tick tock tick tock...


  9. This is so sweet, Robin and I love your color choices.
    I also love, love, love how you are putting together your junque journal. (I know I've said that before, but I really do!)

  10. These are so charming...I love the symbolism, too! You art journal is so creative!

  11. I love the generations used for this Robin. Sooooooooooo very glad to see that others have problems completing projects too!!! MADDENING! I just went to a jewelry class (Rita Blanks was in it too) & of course... now there is yet ANOTHER thing to finish. At least you are getting yours done. HUGS!

  12. Dear Robin, what a huge compliment you've paid me. I am so very moved. Your trio of dresses are beautiful; I am so proud of you!
    As for capturing me, you don't realize that you've also captured my "scent" -- I see the Tabu box of powder in your photos...I inherited Tabu perfume from my aunt and use it to this day.


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?