
07 November 2011


I have not created anything in weeks, except for a few earrings, its been months. Instead I have been focusing on my little world. My tiny little world. Healing has been happening. Also senior pictures and graduation announcements, senior night...

I hesitate to tell you what I have been doing but decided that uncertainty is the evil twin of letting go. I have been studying for my boards. As a Physician Assistant we are required to recertify in all subject areas every six years. If I pass these boards I maintain my national certification and can go ahead with a practice opportunity that seems right.

So there. I am letting it go. If I fail I will admit it. If I pass I will celebrate it.


  1. I bet these boards are pretty grueling. I think it's a good endeavor and I'm sure you'll pass. I have let the hardworking part of my brain crust over. In fact, just a few days ago, I added Hamlet and Julius Caesar to my reading list for some much needed exercise. Please tell me you're coming to my class on Sunday...I sure hope these damn boards don't get in the way. Can't imagine a class without you.

  2. I'm really bad about not getting my hopes up about things unless I'm sure they're certain, because it takes balls to admit to the world the things you pursue. But there's the added benefit of having your loved ones rooting for you, so know that I am doing just that as you prepare for this exam and any changes that might be coming. You'll do great!

  3. Best thing is to stay in the present, moment to moment.
    You will pass. [I don't like the use the F word.}

  4. Oh, My Dear Cousin, you know I love you so much and you are my hero. No doubts here, baby, no doubts at all....

  5. I am sure you will do just fine. That sounds like something I would love to do as well. Good luck studying. :)

  6. Couldn't study like that again if my life depended....proud of you.
    Thought about you with the earthquake news...did you feel it? Hugs!

  7. I can't imagine you failing at anything! Good Luck Girl!

  8. With your brain power? You'll rock it.

  9. Listen you voyeur biologist teacher seeker; you will do marvelous! Your mind is incredible and your heart is wide open! I admire your tenacity!

    Julie B.


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?