
13 December 2011

18 Cakes

It took 18 years for me to make this album.

It is my daughter's story of birthday cakes over the years until this one, her 18th birthday.

I will share a few pages here.

I used all the invitations that I found in a box I moved out of mother's house.

I also found a note mother left me. She knew I would be the last person to go through her things.

I have cried, smiled, laughed, cried...

That's what it's like to raise a healthy child that lives to celebrate all these birthdays.

I realize I am lucky.

Yet, there are clouds that pass over and tell me she is leaving.

And I grieve that.

And everything is going like it's supposed to.

And I celebrate that.

Suz said she has room in her heart for sadness, its the depression that she doesn't want to fall into to. I get that.

And, so, there is happiness and there is sadness, like most beautiful stories...


  1. I am sure she loved the wonderful photo album you made for her! I know she will treasure all those memories!

  2. Your words and stories always touch my heart...Thank you for sharing, Robin. :)

  3. Yes, you are lucky, but so is your lovely daughter to have you for a Mom.
    Speaking as someone who never had birthday cakes, at least not after age 11 when I was separated from my Mom.

  4. You don't do anything half way! That is an exquisite book! And the tablescape for her 18th is stunning.....not that I'm surprised! She is a beautiful young woman. She had an amazing role model. Love you!

  5. dearest robin,
    the shock of being quoted! i have all but disappeared from the land of blog because my borders are floating! i have had a spell of the depression....i have not followed my own advice...but it is good advice, right?
    this is precious. precious beyond words. i sing your praises for raising a lovely, happy, healthy daughter!
    love and hugs,

  6. A beautiful post, a beautiful memory book, a stunning young woman who inspired it all...
    This post made me just a little weepy, as my daughter is just a few years behind yours, and the years have flown by. I've been saving things to make a memory book when the time is right, and I'm running out of time. Thanks for the inspiration, and for sharing you lovely daughter and your bittersweet with us.

  7. Dear Robin,

    As a daughter who once left her mother (whom she loves dearly) to fly her own wings away from home, I can assure you that she will come back. And when she does, the joy will be even greater. It will drown out the darkness that stays in your heart when she is away. Her return will awaken you to deeper depths of love than you knew possibly existed. Though you love her with all your soul now, your love will be enlarged as you watch her take her first flight out into the weary world, alone. Not that it won't hurt. It will. But, when she returns to THE NEST (if but only for a visit), your heart will overflow with the goodness of knowing you did your job as a mother. She is becoming the woman you wanted her to be - and then some. As she continues to grow and mature, your happiness and joy will, too. Just wait. It's only a little time before you get to see the rainbow that comes after this cloud. But, I promise, it will be there, and so will she. I know, because that's how it is with my mom. Still my best friend. Still the woman I admire the most. Still the one, who though I've been strong for what feels like forever, when I hear her voice in a simple "hello", my heart bursts. I can turn to her with my sorrows, fears, and disappointments, knowing she'll always be there and that no matter how far away I may fly, there will never be a safer and more desirable place to land. That's how it will be for you and your sweet daughter.

    Love, your friend cheryl.


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?