
13 January 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge: Gratitude II

In an effort to keep the winter blues at bay, I have chosen to do the PositivelyPresent 30 Day Photo Challenge with specific prompts for pictures of things for which you are grateful. I used my iPhone 4 camera phone and edited with BeFunky Pro app, my favorite for editing. I am printing wallet size photos. I made my own journal signatures in kraft paper and will bind in a cover at the end of the project.

Day 2: Smile. My daughter's. That was easy...

Day 3: Happiness

Day 4: Leaves. I love this moody edit on a leafless tree.

Day 5: Morning Sky. I have since corrected the number once I had my coffee!

Day 6: Books. So grateful for books.

Day 7: Something Funny. That leaf. It's been staring at me for months...

Day 8: Favorite color. Of course...

Really enjoying the prompts for this challenge. More to come...

I want to thank you for positive feedback on my little beauty video. Low tech baby. I did another. Still not sure what my point is. Make up is my latest toy I guess. I haven't been buying art tools so much but I have been shopping for cosmetics.

So here's another little video about some items I bought from Ulta and Beauty Brands.
Ha, nice face!


  1. I am really enjoying these videos!!
    And I have watched most of Jessie's and learned things that I never knew!
    I love how you said yall at the beginning..reminds me of Home!
    I can't wait for my next trip to Ulta,Tarjayyy and the dreaded WalMarts..tee hee.
    I really want that Garnier roller thingy!
    Oh Dollar General has the whole line of ELF makeup brushes for a dollar each I think...
    Loved your photo journal caute!!
    Have a wonderful weekend Robin.

  2. You are adorable.
    However, I was hoping for a makeup demo...


  3. You are having to much fun with this Jessie thing! You are hilarious!!!!!!!!! I love it though. Keep us laughing Miss Robin!

  4. Jorge watched you this morning. He expressed how very pretty you are. I couldn't agree more. Like Jackie said, keep us "in-the-know" you silly girl. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to watch you. You make me feel as though I am sitting right next to you.

  5. Great prompts.
    Great way to keep the blues away.
    And I love how simply stated you are keeping it.
    Simple doesn't come easy for me, so I admire that.

  6. Well, I just finished watching your two videos, fun! It was like sitting down for some girl talk! I just need a cup of coffee! I went into an Ulta for the first time 2 weeks ago with my daughter and daughter-in-law...I could do some serious damage in there (what am I saying...I DID some serious damage in there lol) I loved watching you dish about makeup...


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?