
05 January 2012

Reverb 2011 Post 2

I finished something! I finished something in a timely fashion. Just for me. That's a nice start to the year. I loved doing this December Daily as prompted by Hope Wallace.

The journal was a purchase from Jackie Peters at the Glitter Market in November.
Looky, I bought and then USED something!
Using the good stuff is one of my areas of focus lately. And yet, I still haul in more...

Hope's prompts were reflections back on the year creating a nice way to review
 and close that chapter.

Day 4 (left above): discovery of a favorite artist.
The Civil Wars. Just go listen to them now.
You are so welcome.

Day 5 (right above): five things you don't want to forget.  Allie's ponytail and the simple act of getting to watch her make another one.
I added several mini books in order to include lots of pictures.

Day 6 (above left) is unfinished as I look for a couple of things I put in a very special place...
so I wouldn't lose them. Yeah...
 And yet I carried on. I didn't let this stall me, which would be common for me to do.
Looky, progress!

Day 8 (above left): quote or saying that resonated.
"When the bridge is gone, the narrowest plank become precious."
Hungarian Proverb

Day 9 (above right): feeling nostalgic for...My Allie, then, now, always, still.

More of this journal to come.



  1. Ooh! This is beautiful! I can't wait to see more!

    There's some precious pictures there--Spencer, Allie, your mother...


  2. Robin,
    What a wonderful job. Oh how i love the third to the last, you and Allie hugging and looking at each other with such love. You deserved to be so blessed!
    Big Hugsies,

  3. I'm in awe of you because I'm terrible at finishing journals, which is why I rarely start them anymore.
    I hope to see you in early May. Yes, the ticket is booked.


  4. first let me say...I just went to your etsy and I can't believe what a talent you are at knitting. I'm so sad that I never learned well enough to make anything as gorgeous as your scarves!!!!!
    I just read through your last three posts and thinking how thankful I am to call you friend.
    I love what has been occupying your time lately!
    hugs from here...

  5. Finishing something is such a powerful motivator. Congratulations. Your journal is wonderful. Happy creating...

  6. Ohmygod! That is awesome, Robin.
    What you've created and that you finished.
    I've been thinking about you all day. I think this time last year you said it would be your year to finish all of your unfinished projects. I've been staring into my studio of unfinished projects and hoping to be like you this year.

  7. RoBiN...your journals are breath-taking!!! girl, you inspire me so. think about having a class in 2012 & sign me up. love you, franc

  8. wow wow wow! your reverb11 journal is amazing! Can't wait to see more!


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?