
01 February 2012

Reverb 2011 Post 4

February first brings the final pages of my December Daily Journal in which I followed Hope Wallace Karney's Reverb11 prompts. Post three ended at Day 23...
Day 24: phrase or saying picked up in 2011.
My dear daughter was very helpful to point out annoying repetitive things I said...
Day 25(above right): beliefs...
Day 26: birthday celebration.
Day 27: what could have been done without during the year...
The birthday celebration is chronicled in a little book sewn onto the page.
Got a bicycle and new sunglasses. I actually love this dorky picture of myself...
This whole journal is simple palette of kraft paper, creams and browns, bit of red.
Day 28: a regret.
Day 29: most authentic moment. Painful.
I used a plastic sleeve to represent the transparency that authenticity brings.
Day 30: most important lesson.
God told me while I was walking (does She talk to you like that?) to 'stop' take in the I was then promptly told to 'keep going.'
Use as needed...
Day 31: greatest wish for 2012.
Be a bridge...which leads me to choose bridge as my word to focus on for the new year.
I want to be a bridge to my daughter's future, not an obstacle. I realize this has so much meaning for me in all relationships including my own with each day,
about remaining present,
on the bridge,
enjoying the view...

February brings brings the third anniversary of this blog.
It has been a loving support to myself, a gift to me really.
I want to celebrate with a give-away, coming next.

I also found a product I was surprised and shocked by...
No, I wasn't sleepy or high...


  1. love it...every little detail.
    you really bare your soul and it makes me think.
    13 miles?! you go bird!
    love the video too...i am the crazy shabbs65 commentor. lol.
    enjoy this sunshine!
    gosh i keep thinking we are being spoiled by this weather...

  2. really great journal! wish I could sit over a cup of coffee and flip through it in person!

  3. Robin you know I love your journal (and aren't daughter's great for pointing that kindda stuff out about us???), But, it was SO awesome watching the video of your (info-mercial :) You are such a doll!!!!! AND I loved your voice!
    Anyway...I have always used a liquid foundation so I wouldn't know the difference about the other. I have always used a Clinic product and it works great for me, but after your excitement over this one, I may have to give it a try.
    I hope your week is going great.
    hugs from here...

  4. Oh I love your journal! It's beautiful! I love making them!


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?