
14 May 2012

The French Connection

From Canada flew in sweet Colette Copeland for a weekend of teaching at our dear Paper Crown here in Oklahoma City.
My daughter having just returned from an exchange program to France spent the morning with us working on her French.
CoCo was so so sweet to her. I melted.
Also Jackie made these, French donut holes, bluebirds and "C" cookies.

I would show you a picture of Jackie but instead there is this,
her thread...
and her freaking banner for her cottage project that actually had people living in it.
There was a cottage class, and birdie making.
Collete brought her wares. Such a loving restraint in her work...
We Oklahoma gals snatched them up without incident. (Sorry Beth, I guess you can give your Collete Original to whomever YOU actually choose.)
Jemellia is adorable in her sporty spicy haircut.
I spend so much time alone using texts, blogs and emails to keep in touch with people, I forget how much I enjoy the actual people.

Collete is set to return to Glitter Market this November. I don't think I will wait that long to spend time with the actual people. And that's called growth mon ami...


  1. Always love what you have to say and show the world! Your the best!

    I'm still waiting for the latest product video...........get with it girl!

  2. I am wishing I attended one of the classes for some creativity and fun with friends. I could have used the laughter and comradery!

    I hope you are wonderful beautiful lady!

  3. Someone asked me what were the highlights of my few days in OKC; I said "every moment". And it was true.
    Please give A. "une grosse bise" from her "French aunt". You've raised a truly lovely daughter. xxoo

  4. Had so much fun spending time with you! I have been working on my stitching skills ...oops, make that LACK of stitching skills. Haven't started that dang quilt yet. Think I will need a few more sessions of inspiration!

  5. This looks like such a fun time...creative, and full of fun shared times! Your daughter is so lovely...what a beautiful smile!

  6. It looks like such a fun weekend! I wish I could have made it. And... Jemellia's hair?? LOVE LOVE LOVE! Girl crush love! Seriously considering doing the same so that I can be amongst the cool girls too!

  7. Your daughter was at an exchange program in France? What a lucky girl!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  8. This was such a fun day! I loved every moment, I miss CoCo already and I'm happy to spend a little time with Teen Bird. Can't wait to see you!


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?