
19 June 2012

May Happened

Here is my collage of pictures for May. The color was 'sunshine,' as you can see for my Photo365 challenge.

I so dearly appreciate the commiseration regarding my bicycle accident and hand injury. I am happy to report after thorough imaging studies, I did not break my hand. It has been 5 weeks and I am still wearing a brace. I'm having return of movement but still cannot grasp or bear weight. The recovery has been slow but I see progress.  Kinda of like many of life's injuries.

My daughter has graduated and enrolled in college. I have so many things to say about it all. Somehow I am loathe to articulate it. Still processing I guess. Those posts have not written themselves yet. They start only to sputter and disintegrate. I am feeling the feelings, a victory, however painful, and not able to write about it all to my satisfaction quite yet...

For now I can say this about my daughter's high school graduation, I bought cute shoes. And baby steps have been taken. Sometimes backwards...