
19 June 2012

May Happened

Here is my collage of pictures for May. The color was 'sunshine,' as you can see for my Photo365 challenge.

I so dearly appreciate the commiseration regarding my bicycle accident and hand injury. I am happy to report after thorough imaging studies, I did not break my hand. It has been 5 weeks and I am still wearing a brace. I'm having return of movement but still cannot grasp or bear weight. The recovery has been slow but I see progress.  Kinda of like many of life's injuries.

My daughter has graduated and enrolled in college. I have so many things to say about it all. Somehow I am loathe to articulate it. Still processing I guess. Those posts have not written themselves yet. They start only to sputter and disintegrate. I am feeling the feelings, a victory, however painful, and not able to write about it all to my satisfaction quite yet...

For now I can say this about my daughter's high school graduation, I bought cute shoes. And baby steps have been taken. Sometimes backwards...


  1. It is a BIG transition, Robin...I never thought of cute shoes, though lol! Lots to get used to. That hand injury does not sound fun either! Hope it starts healing for you soon! XO

  2. Oh Robin - I must have been hiding under a rock and had no idea you fell. :( Hope you heal real soon.
    Those shoes - how cute!!!
    Congratulations to your daughter - she is beautiful - just like her mother. :)

  3. I've been thinking of you a lot almost feeling the knots you are tied in with this transition. I can't think of words to process it either except to tell you I know you've done well by her, you've done well with her, you've done well for her and she is ready. Proud, I am.

  4. Dearest Robin,
    I am back again and hoping I will be back more! I didn't know about your accident. I am so sorry! I did see your lovely daughter on facebook...she is just adorable!!! I am doing ok. The house has literally fallen apart. I don't know if we ignored things for thirty years or I just have bad karma. I have been busy getting bigs and writing checks.
    i am still standing.
    Some days, barely.
    But i am standing!
    Love you, girl!

  5. Yellow is an appropriate color for the hot, sunny month we've had! I really do enjoy your photo collections.

    As for the little one growing up, let me just share my mother's experience. Once my brother and I both moved out and her nest was officially empty, she was a little lost at first. I'll be honest, loneliness set in for about a month or so. And then, all of the sudden, she was like "WOOOHOOO, I'm FREE!" and she found contentment in living alone. So if you start to get sad, remind yourself that she'll always be your little girl, but now you'll have the freedom to walk around your house naked if you want. ;-)~


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?