
26 November 2012

Glitter Market Was Like This

I am bristling when I hear Christmas music. I realize it's now post-Thanksgiving and I usually start on my Celine Christmas CD but it feels wrong this year. Too early.  Maybe if I unwind the fall events and get farther along on my 2012 list I will be more in the mood. With that....Glitter Market.

Our fourth annual local handmade market produced by Paper Crown is always fun. I love these vendors. Who says we don't have crafty people in Oklahoma? Actually someone did say that during Silver Bella. I might be holding a grudge...

OH these gals...
Charlotte Perez beloved for her jewelry, laughter and those red lips.
Jackie Peters our premier Oklahoma paper artist. She bakes. She gives. She achieves at the highest standard.
Colette Copeland came from Canada! Us Oklahoma gals are a draw, really, she keeps coming back. Thankfully so.
Above, my purchases and goodies from Colette.
There is a lovely restraint and a little wink in all her work.

Without a doubt the most gorgeous, funny, empathetic creature on this planet.
And talented something fierce...
My stuff..
I still have journals remaining...might offer them on Etsy or here?
My knits are still wanted.
It remains humbling..
Franc. Franc Franke. What a doll.
She helps Jackie by whipping those crowds into shape. She is Jackie's bouncer.
Here are my Jackie purchases and goodies...
Jackie and Evangeline my bird's birdie.
We will do Glitter Market next fall again and maybe this spring where I will bring soft things like dolls and pillows...maybe, probably.
Gawd 2013? No.


  1. Glitter Market was so much fun, and it was so wonderful to see all my crafty friends. I bought a beautiful scarf from you, I think at Silver Bella, and it is one of my absolute favorites!
    The problem with Glitter market is there are always so many more beautiful things that I want than I have money for... If I can just win that lotto this week....

  2. make me smile & just seeing you at the glitter market was a dream come true...! franc

  3. This looks like such a fun market with wonderful goodies and great vendors! I would have loved to have been there!

  4. I thought of going. Next year. Definitely.


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