
24 September 2013

Bloggy Again

I feel renewed interest in not only my own blog but all blogs I follow. Now that the whole change of reader since Google Reader closed has happened, I am following blogs daily again via Feedly. After the new iPhone update I am also able to comment on blogs again.
So thanks for keeping it going and looking and reading and all of that.
Also a journal spread.

20 September 2013

I'll Fly Away

Oh Lordy
I'll fly away,
And when I die,
Hallelujah, bye and bye,
I'll fly away...

13 September 2013

Might Be

There's a chance
might be
 kind of a brat...

09 September 2013

Eight Years Old

Recently, I texted Alisa that after all my creative work and growth,
 it comes down to paper, pen and Crayolas.
Full circle...
Creating is very much about being present... being in the moment.
this morning I could not help but see my eight year old self, head tilted to the left, looking at the junction of pen and paper...drawing and coloring....
Creating is a quiet connection to the self, past, present and future.
A time machine. God's imagine.
These thoughts came to me.
 I feel 8,
and happy.

04 September 2013

Do What You Love

Stephanie Ackerman came to OKC and taught at My Heart's Fancy.
This second class was about doodle, stamp and stitch.

We doodled...

We carved...

My simplistic boxes stamp...

...put to use.

Stephanie doodles on fabric using Prismacolor pens.

I tried it on my new journal inspired by her.

She and I. Really what a doll she is.
Funny, talented, supportive, authentic...