
24 September 2013

Bloggy Again

I feel renewed interest in not only my own blog but all blogs I follow. Now that the whole change of reader since Google Reader closed has happened, I am following blogs daily again via Feedly. After the new iPhone update I am also able to comment on blogs again.
So thanks for keeping it going and looking and reading and all of that.
Also a journal spread.


  1. I am so behind in my blogging. Too much travel but, it will make for great posts if I'd stay home. Do you like the new iPhone update? I've heard good & bad. Haven't done mine yet.

    1. I do like the update Charlene. I mean, why not right? Not much choice. I think it actually has much quicker feature function.

      Hope you are enjoying the new house!

  2. Just dropped by with a quick hi and to enjoy the bits of work you have accomplished..Hugs!

  3. I LOVE your work. Thank you SO much for coming here.


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?