I do have a winner for the earrings from my last post. Just wanted to let you know I never use the word "give-away" in a give-away title because I really want to thank you for reading the post. So, thank you for reading the post and commenting. But first...
I have a new obsession. Pretty much everyday I have a new obsession without giving up the old obsessions and so it takes all day to make my rounds. I am sure you understand. In fact I know you understand...
I have always put 4 x 6 photo prints in albums. Always. I had a little cute white one from the 70s that started it all. I will have to blow the dust off that and show you. Although I always wanted to scrapbook and certainly hoarded supplies, I never really liked the look, the time, the goofy...you know what I mean. I made one for my daughter's wedding and even though it was only 6 years ago, I actually stamped "sugar and spice and everything nice" across two 12 x 12 pages. Gag. So I forgot about that and just continued putting prints in albums chronologically. I did keep hoarding scrapbook supplies mind you...

Plain old albums had been working for me until I could no longer get this same album from Target (why, why does everything I love get discontinued???). I decided to give the Becky Higgins Project Life system a chance. The kit comes with album pages, journalling cards and coordinated papers. It didn't really thrill me. But here it is August and I do not have one picture in an album for 2011. I pulled out the kit and started, then got going and now it is all I can think about. I added papers that go with everything but are more muted and less modern.
Now I love it. I do have to edit the number photos I use which is good for me.
I just wanted you to know about this system if you don't have the desire to scrapbook from scratch but want a nice cohesive system. In case you are considering it, realize the products are to be released in October and they will sell out.
Congratulations to Debe Leone!!!!!!!! Email me at Rpaulklthomas at aol.com with your address and I will get those right out to you. I will do another earring give-away in September.
As always, my deepest thanks for coming here!!!