A Nest With a View Lab
Classes with Robin Thomas
I am happy to announce a new venture in conjunction with my husband. He recently renovated an old garage in Oklahoma City to warehouse his ever-growing collection of reclaimed barn wood and beams. It also houses his architectural salvage. His love of wood and collecting has turned from hobby to business.
I asked him if I could build my nest in his tree and stumble toward my own dream as well. Having taught as an adjunct college professor of biology for a couple of decades now, I really wanted to merge my love of teaching and passion for creation. Since my science couses have always had a lab, it makes sense for me to name this A Nest with a View Lab.
My classes will be about journal making, some dolls, maybe jewelry. I hope to have guest teachers with the goal of having artists who do not ordinarily teach but have the desire to fulfill their dream in my nest as well.
Classes will be announced on my blog and on this page.Story Book Journal
Saturday 2 April 2011
10 to 4
Join me as we create a special story book to capture that special person or event in an heirloom, handmade book. I will provide a big 'ol complete kit, you add your time, work and flair. We will have all day to work on this sentimental book. I want to thank Rebecca Sower for her blessing to teach this journal which is her sweet inspiration.
I will provide lunch. You will bring a basic tool kit and a few pictures. I can provide some for you if you need. We can work on that together. Please allow for variation in vintage wallpaper for cover. You will have a 16 page journal with completed covers, and decorated pages ready to fill with notes, cards and photographs to document a necessary story.
Once you register, I will email your supply list for lab.$70
Register for the Story Book journal here.