
29 December 2011

2011 In Review

Thank you God for my hands. they brought peace, joy and Your Voice to everyday.

It takes time and effort, but all good work does, right?

February: All the Ladies Fabric Journal from a Ruth Rae class.

March: Bead Woven Bracelets, a new skill...

April: After burying mother I turned my attention
to the tedium of stitches and beads
on this wool crazy quilt project.

May: Made several covers for Moleskine journals to give as little love gifts
during the Art of Spring Event.

June: Remains of the Day journal. A new love...

August: Started using Project Life to journal my Year in Photos.

September: KC Willis Fabric Journal class...

October: Bees Wax Collage Class at My Heart's Fancy.

November: Completed many journals,


and knits for Glitter Market.

December: My daughter's 18 Cakes Journal, December Daily journal, my first banner,

 and this Nap mat for which I believe I will post a tutorial in January.

You still here? Damn. Thank you, thank you, thank you for getting me through this year.

Here's to 2012 bringing many more good things...


  1. I love that regardless of a heart-breaking year, you took your energy and turned it into bright shining days! I'm thankful not only for getting to spend time with you, but being on the receiving end of some of your fabulous creations! I feel blessed that you are in my world, and I want you to have a class and teach the making of those incredible beaded bracelets! Here's to a properous 2012, in spirit, mind and soul!

    Julie B.

  2. Love them all Miss Robin! A good year is in the makings for you! Here's to 2012..................

  3. Wow Robin ~ you create the most beautiful things! Wishing that 2012 is your best year yet as you find peace, health, happiness and even more creativity. I hope we can take some classes together - that would be so fun!

  4. Well done!!!
    Very well done!
    I hope that in 2012, we can make a little cottage together among other things *wink*.
    Love, Colette

  5. Oh my goodness, you are SO incredibly talented. I want to do a craft project with you one day. That's on my bucket list. :)

  6. Damn. Here I still am!
    You are so prolific, Robin. I could just puke (I do hate that word) when I think of how little I have done but I have been busy with, well, cancer and all of that crud.
    I am longing to create. I may start to enbroider, because I can carry it along!
    Love and hugs, wonderful woman!

  7. Okay seriously, you have magical hands.
    I know it was a hard year, but you produced some serious beauty this year.

    Happy New Year, my friend.

  8. What a beautiful post!

    I wonder if every day gets a little better for you (emotionally), or each month, at least. Your projects are hot all the damn time, yo!

    I need one of them leaves, but, I want to call them leafs.

  9. Holy crap. You did so much in 2011! If only I could be as productive as you, Robin. While all your work is inspired, I especially love your beeswax collage (beautiful)! Frankly, I'm amazed at your perseverance through a difficult year. I kind of just shut down as far as arting goes. I hope I awaken this year! You're inspiring, Robin. Way to go!


You have no idea how much this comment means. I really thank you for taking time to connect with me. This is why we are here, isn't it?